Clinical NutritionDiet plays an integral role in health. Condition specific diet modifications and nutritional supplementation are recommended to improve your health.
AcupunctureAttempts to facilitate the flow of Qi (energy) and blood throughout the body. Beneficial therapy in pain management, hormone balancing and stress.
Botanical MedicinePlant based medicine that can be used internally and topically to aid a variety of conditions.
Lifestyle CounselingImperative component to improving health and prevention. Determining the daily mental, physical and emotional factors in order to live a balanced lifestyle.
Homeopathic MedicineEnergetic medicine used to stimulate the body's ability to heal. Beneficial in acute and chronic conditions. A gentle therapy available for all ages.
Physical MedicineUtilizing massage, manipulation and hydrotherapy to restore the body to a normal state. Beneficial to all components of the musculoskeletal system